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Gomutra Ark 1 LTR

How to Make Gomutra Ark:

No other ingredients are used when making Gomutra Ark. Only Gomutra is a requirement. The distillation method remains the same as discussed here: How to Make Herbal Distillate. However, water is not added. No other herbs are added. Instead of water, cow urine is used alone.

Our Gaumutra ark has amazing quality to kill harmful germs within the body. It improves the function of the liver and aids in boosting immunity.

Chemical composition of cow urine

Cow urine is 95 percent water with 2.0 percent urea, miners, 24 types of salts, hormones, and 3.0 percent enzymes. Other ingredients include iron, phosphorus, carbonic acid, nitrogen, ammonia, manganese, sulfur, phosphates, potassium, urea, uric acid, amino acid enzymes, cytokine, and lactose. calcium, potash